it's about something I hold dear to my heart
yeah.. it's about
the office

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here??
Do I dare say it...
has it... *shudder** has it....
jumped the shark??
The past two episodes??
SERIOUSLY?!?!?!To be honest with you, I could give a
flying fuckwhether or not Pam's baby is "latching on"
frankly it disgusts me...
It's called the OFFICE not PAM & JIM HAD A BABYThat hour long episode sickened me..
what the fuck happened??
Did someone secretly replace the writers of the office with
the writers from Full House and Growing Pains?????
Jesus Christ!!!
And then last week... Jim's all like "Boooo Hooooo Hooooo
I wish I was home with my Baby oh Boo Hoooo"
Jim is getting LAME
Pam is Getting ANNOYING
And I'm getting PISSED OFF
I watch the office to see Creed growing mung beans in his desk drawer
I watch the office to see Phyllis fighting with Angela...
I watch the office to see Toby Flenderson in awkward situations...
I don't want to hear about diapers, sippy cups or breast feeding..
If I want to hear about this shit - I'll turn on the Lifetime channel
Dear writers
Get your shit together... For FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!
How did it come to this?
Tonights episode better be good OR so help meeeeeeeeeeee
ThanksJen@Casual Slack