a conversation I had with
with my husband this evening.
HIM: Did you ever find that egg McMuffin?
ME: Nooooo, you didn't find it yet??!?
ME: How do you lose an EggMcFuckingMuffin??
HIM: I dunno
ME: Are you sure it's not in your jacket pocket?
HIM: I'll check again.. no it's not there
ME: If it's in my truck somewhere it's gonna smell
HIM: No it won't - it's cold out
ME: I still don't want and egg McMuffin rotting away in my truck
HIM: It's weird...
the end

If only there were an Egg McMuffin mentioned by Nostradamus, we would have had something to guide us!
How the fuck DO you lose an egg mcmuffin?
I still have no idea where it is..
he got that two for $3 deal
and he's like
"I'll save this one for later!"
I know he left with it
but it was never seen again
without a McTrace!!
I can see losing a McHash but not a McMuffin!
Nope not easy to lose an Egg McMuffin.
In spring, just follow the path of the ants.
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