Monday, November 19, 2007

just sayin'

Wouldn't you just love to punch him in the face
and watch his nose fly across the room

You know it would be awesome..


Anonymous said...

Every time I see a picture of him, I can totally see where mankind evolved from monkeys.

Freak of nature.

Teri said...

I actually saw a more recent picture of him and thought he looked good. Maybe someone finally fixed his face and did it right?

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I'm not touching him for any reason or amount of money. (shudder)

SkylersDad said...

His nose would explode and he would fly around the room backwards like a balloon!

e.Craig Crawford said...

I can't believe he actually paid good money for that "nose job."

Micgar said...

I think what might happen if someone punched him in the face is it would cave in-your fist would go to the back of his plastic/rubber head!