Tuesday, April 03, 2007


How to make a
Handcrafted Cat Bed

1. Buy a new pillow
2. Take the old pillow off your bed
3. Throw it on the floor

you're welcome


Teri said...

You are AMAZING! I worship you!

Lynda said...

Wow! I wish I was crafty. Unfortunately, Julius just takes the pillow I am currently using. The other day, my head was hanging off the bed when I woke up, and he was hogging the pillow and snoring.

Sans Pantaloons said...

An ocean of free pillow, just waiting to be cruised.

Yay - Jerry!

Anonymous said...

They look great, FOR CATS WITHOUT PAWS like the ones on those pictures. That's just horrible!

Who in their right mind would chop off the paws of cats so they would fit on to pillows????


Jen said...

it's not like
they needed their paws..