As I was driving home this evening - this thought popped into my head...
(for no apparent reason)
- TV Shows -
Why do they always put raw steak
on black eyes ???
What's with that?
That's fucking gross.. If I had a black eye
the last thing I would reach for is a hunk of raw meat.
Should you keep cheap steak on hand.. just in case you get a black eye?
Why don't they use steak at hospitals?
Can you substitute pork chops?
How about fish... would fish work?
(for no apparent reason)
- TV Shows -
Why do they always put raw steak
on black eyes ???

That's fucking gross.. If I had a black eye
the last thing I would reach for is a hunk of raw meat.
Should you keep cheap steak on hand.. just in case you get a black eye?
Why don't they use steak at hospitals?
Can you substitute pork chops?
How about fish... would fish work?
I remember peter brady did it
and fonzie too - they probably grilled it after
Fish only works on Fridays.
maybe cause it's soft and cold and won't hurt the eye further?
I've heard people use frozen peas, they're better and easier to use than ice cubes.
Isn't it amazing what pops into our brains?
Didn't Mike and Carol put steak on Peter's eye when he got decked by Buddy Hinton?
Wow... Snowy even remembered the name of the kid that decked Peter. That's scary.
Should you tenderize the meat before you put it on your eye?
TV is just trying to kill us!
Forget the old adage about putting a steak or a piece of raw meat on a black eye. No scientific evidence supports this claim. In addition, there is a danger in putting potentially bacteria-laden meat on a mucous membrane or an open skin injury.
Of COURSE I remembered. There was Buddy Hinton, Lucy Winters, George Glass (but Jan just made him up), Molly Webber, Nora Coombs, Anthony (Marcia's date who Marcia thought dumped her because of her braces but his parents were going out the night of the dance and really couldn't make it), Margie Whipple (who had the hots for Peter. Didn't we ALL???), Doug Simpson (the quarterback who dumped Marcia because of her swollen nose), Millicent who kissed Bobby then thought she had the mumps but didn't, oh and SO many others, as well...
Then there was Jimmy the native American who rescued Bobby and Cindy at the Grand Canyon because Bobby just HAD to look for dinosaur fossils, Jeff (Marcia's boyfriend who Marcia squirted with whipped cream), Jeff's date (the one he took to the ice cream parlor. We never REALLY knew her name. But she was hot), Davy Jones (well, duh), Oliver (he was never considered to be an official cast member), and Mark "something" (Alice's swindler boyfriend who wanted only 'one thing').
OH, and there was Charlie, the good guy Marcia dumped in favor of Doug Simpson, who she ended up going out with in the end and had a great time (Charlie, not doug), Mister Price (Peter's teacher - a total loser) who Peter (a.k.a. Scoop Brady) sucked up to for a better grade, and Alice's cousin Emma, who went to work as the Brady's housekeeper when Alice had to leave for a week. She was an Army chick, and made the Brady's do calesthenics at 6 a.m.
I'm sorry. Marcia's date was Alan, not Anthony.... I'm sure that caused MAJOR confusion..
holy crap. Sorry I said anything...
I think Catholics can put steak on their black eyes, but not during lent.
Then, they have to use fried fish or pizza.
I think the bigger question is what do vegans use for THEIR black eyes?!?!
..... and then there was Jan's aunt Jenny who looked EXACTLY like Jan when she was Jan's age (because the show's producers took a photo of Eve Plumb and made it look old), Joe Namath, Mike's old college flame Bobo (who we never met but was mentioned on one episode), Bebe Gallini who wanted a cosmetics factory in the form of a pink compac whose roof would open, Tommy whose cigarettes Carol thought were Greg's until Alice found out that the jackets were switched because of a previous sewing job she did on it....
But what kind a cars were on the Brady Bunch????
Well, i KNOW they a station wagon (the kind with the "simulation quality wood-grain finish"), and Mike had a convertible that Greg took Rachel on a date with and that bobby poked a hole through with an umbrella.....
poked a hole through the roof, not the body of the car itself. My apologies.
alright, Snowy, you scare me!
Hey she asked.
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