- Tanya Espanya asked:
How did you meet your husband?
I met him mountain biking at a park not far from my house
... I had recognized him from the gym -
He just starting talking to me. I road around with him for a while..
then we sat and talked more, then I let him give me a ride home
- I lived about 7-8 minutes away
I thought his truck was really clean - I was impressed
My parents thought something had happened to me because
I left on my bike...I was gone for a long time... then a strange truck
was in their driveway, So my father was staring through the window
- needless to say I was horrified
He walked me to the door
but I didn't want him to come in because my home life was rather
...volatile. We exchanged phone numbers...
then when I went in the house I was greeted by:
What are your upcoming travel plans?
I have none.. I wish I had some
God I suck...
How did Travis come to live with you?
We went to the animal shelter.. just to look. We already had Jerry
and weren't that impressed.
Travis was in the first cage, all by himself
The cutest kitten I have ever seen.. he meowed and came over to see me.
His ears were bigger than his body.
I scratched his head and told him how cute he was.
Tim wanted me to look at all the kittens - But I knew which one
I wanted. I started to walk away, just to take a look around
and he flipped out! He starting meowing, running around and
shredding the newspaper in his cage then he stuck both paws through
the cage and cried, desperately trying to get my attention.
Totally over the top...
Tim looked back and said "I dunno about that one...
he looks kinda CRAZY how about one of these nice quiet ones over here"
I ran back over to his cage...
I told little Travis not to worry, he'd be coming home with me
Here are some Travis Kitten Pics
you're welcome

Are you happy/content with how your life has turned
out so far and if not, what would you change?
Amazingly...I am very happy with how my life has turned out.
(when I was younger I always envisioned it turning out unpleasant)
The only thing I would change is my "career"
also know as "the biggest mistake of my life."
What bad habit would you like to quit and what good habit
would you like to take up? (I guess that is two questions)
procrastination - I can't quit it.. maybe I'll try.. later
healthy eating - The fact that I hate most food, doesn't help me out
Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me!”
I will respond by e-mailing you five questions (if your email is not on your profile, email me your desire to be interviewed so I know your address).
I get to pick them, and you have to answer them all.
You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Awesome, you're a superstar!
Now send me the kitty.
interview me!
oh, oh, interview me, please! I want to be cool, too.
AND how cute was Travis and still is by the way. Great stories.
you dad says "what is he, Irish"? I'm offended.
Glad you're feeling better Jen! I liked the Travis story the best.
Don't interview me.
Oh my gosh! Look at Travis, he's so incredibly cute!
I would ask to be interviewed, but I'm still trying to answer the questions from Fab...
Great Job Jen! Thanks for sharing!
Travis is such a cutie!!!
I emailed you questions
but my email bounced back
did you get them?
No, I didn't. Strange. send them to insert25cents at gmail.com
okay - sent it
Is it too late?
You can interview me if'n you want, but I'm really, really boring.
He looks Irish?!? How do you LOOK Irish? Was he wearing green and carrying a sack of potatoes? Does he have his lucky charms painted on his truck?
it's never too late..
my husband is....
magically delicious
I'll shall email
You 5 questions!
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