flashbackcirca 1985I wanted to play the piano
so my parents did the most logical thing..
they went and bought...
wait for it...
wait for it....

they bought an ORGAN
They said - "go to practice,
and learn this first - it has a
piano sound on it -
it's the same exact thing!!"
So I went to take some lessons at the
mall(because apparently - my childhood just wasn't disturbing enough)The teachers name was "
DOT"she wore sweaters like Bill Cosby...
had a raspy, chain smoker voice...
and reeked of nicotine and perfume...
She often talked about her BINGO game
from the previous night..
I made you this kick ass visual:
"Dot" would sit behind me at a table
facing the wall
every lesson she would bring in
soupand every lesson I had to listen to
soup ritual1. The Smashing of the Crackersit was one of those little bags of oyster crackers
and she would
smoosh it around in her hand
and it would make that cellophane paper - crinkle sound
it went on... and on... and on...
2. The Cooling of the SoupFFffffhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooFFfffhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooFhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooFFfffhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo3. Slurp & ConsumeSlurp.. chew chew.. Swallow
Slurp.. chew chew.. Swallow
Slurp.. chew chew.. Swallow
and as if this wasn't painful enough....
In between all of this she would
bark out orders
"C C C!
"I can tell ya know"
"whhhhoooooooaaaa! that was off key"
Although I could play a mean rendition of
"deck the halls" and "happy birthday"
my future as a professional organist just wasn't in the cards
I quit
the end