Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I hate it when that happens

Don't ya hate it when you're putting on your contacts
in the morning... and you drop one and you can't find it and you're
on your hands and knees looking for it...
but you can't see what you're doing because you don't have your lenses in
then you finally find it - in the trash - and you go to rinse it off and see
that it has a tear and you have to throw it away after all that

I fucking hate when that happens.


Teri said...

I don't wear contacts, so I can't feel your pain but I've heard this story from other folks and it seems frustrating as hell.

Anonymous said...

It's always about you, isn't it Teri.

Teri said...

I try to put myself in other people's shoes to feel what they're feeling, dick. unlike some people who shall remain nameless, dick.......

hapabukbuk said...

nothing rankles my ass more. 'cept when i open 3 new lenses for my left eye in a row because each is already scratched when I open it!

SkylersDad said...

I wore softlens for about 5 years and found out my eyes just wouldn't tollerate contacts of any kind. I went back to my glasses for a long time then came the miracle of Lasik.

Best thing I ever did for myself!

Anonymous said...

So... I am guessing that happened... to you... this morning..?

Mel said...

I have been there, done that. It does suck. I feel your pain!