the TRASH CANThis morning I was pulling out
of my driveway headed for work
and I noticed that the garbage can
was still out on the sidewalk
I get out of the truck to go get it.
I pick it up -
One hand on the handle and the back of my other
hand lower on the can so I could push it away from my clothes.I carry it to the side of the house. I get back in the truck
and head out for work. As I'm driving I notice this
I'm looking around sniffing... sniff... sniff
then I smell the back of my hand smells like garbage juice / cat piss????
AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!I immediately go for the bottle of purell I keep in my center console
I poured it all over my hands then proceeded to wipe the steering wheel
and anything else I touched (even though it was the back of my hand that was tainted
Im not taking any chances.) I must have used half the bottle.

I get into the office and furiously soap up
my hands once again then I asked all my
co-workers to smell my arm... In case any got on my clothes
And they did...They didn't smell anything.
I'm Clean.That was horrifying.
I'd like to thank my husband for not taking in the trash can yesterday.I know you had a lot of lounging on the couch and talking on the phone to doAlso I would like to thank the neighborhood cat for pissing
on my garbage can. You have the entire world to piss on...fields of grass... trees... rocks but no.. you went straight for my garbage can.
Thanks... I appreciate it.The moral of the story?Never touch the garbage can, pick up by the handles only
ALSO Always keep Purell in the car.