Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's the
Racial Slur Database

Fun for Everyone

I'm a Guinea: Pronounced "gi-nee." Came from "Guinea Negro" and originally referred to any Black or any person of mixed ancestry. This dates back to the 1740's. By the 1890s it was being applied to Italians--almost certainly because they tend to have darker skin than Anglo-Saxons/Germans. By 1911 the term began being applied to Hispanics, although the reference to Italians is the most common.
Wop: High class Italian. Stands for "With Out Papers." Started when there was a big Italian emigration to the U.S., and many were coming in illegally (with out papers). Dago: Slang for Italian, originally coming from Spain. "Diego" was a common name in Italy at the time this slang was first used.

And I'm Married To A Jock: Heard in the UK. Because Joc is a common Scottish name.
Mick: Many Irish surnames begin with "Mc" or "Mac." Irish are also named after the famed Michael Collins, making Michael (Mick) a very common name. Not as derogatory as Paddy.
Nordski: Scandinavians They come from "da Nord".
Mutt: Any mix of races. The regular use of 'mutt' refers to dogs of mixed breed.

What Slur Are You?!?
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Jim said...

Hmmmm, I'm a "Banana" (An Asian-American who has lost their heritage. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside), a "Harbor-Bomber" (The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, which caused the US to enter World War II), a "Nip/Nipper" (Short for Nippon meaning "Japan"), a "Rice-Eater, Rice-Picker and Rice-Padder", "Slant" and "Yellow-Monkey"

Jeezus, there sure were a lot of those. Ugh.

Didn't find a word for Half-Japanese, Half-Caucassion, 100% Dork, though.

Moderator said...

Your are a sick racist. I am a MegaAmerican. Or perhaps a MetaAmerican.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Frog, because French people laugh like frogs, and we eat their legs. I'm also a wine-stomper, because we make some mighty fine wines.

Anonymous said...

mlg my little guinea

Annie said...

Since I'm always thinking of food I guess I'll go with:
Macaroni Ragu Frog
Translation: The famous Macaroni Noodle originated in Italy, Spagetti Sauce and the French are said to laugh like frogs and/or eat frog legs.
Although I have to say I'd never eat frog legs.

Anonymous said...

I'm a PaddyDago