Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
they really do care
they care about ME
When I got home today
there was a box in the mail with my name on it...
(Imagine my excitement)
It was from Marlboro
It was a personal ashtray - designed just FOR ME
that's right... just for me
It's okay to be jealous... not everyone
can have a personal horseshoe ashtray...
isn't it stunning!
I'm tempted to take up smoking just so I can
use this gorgeous ashtray
It's a showpiece... a collectible... a family heirloom
and it's mine - Thank you Marlboro
They even included a kind note...
"Happy Birthday from your friends at Marlboro"
They remembered... They remembered my birthday
so what if my birthday was two week ago..
it doesn't matter - it's the thought that counts
Do I smoke? Nope
about 2 years ago, a friend (who smokes like a chimney) gave me all of his miles
>Marlboro use to have "miles" on the side of every pack
you could save them and use them to get free stuff from their catalog<
so I sent them in
and got a nifty weather radio - like this...
And I am still on their mailing list as you can see
I will cherish my horseshoe personal ashtray
for the rest of my life..
or I will throw it in the trash
I haven't decided..
When I got home today
there was a box in the mail with my name on it...
(Imagine my excitement)

It was a personal ashtray - designed just FOR ME
that's right... just for me

can have a personal horseshoe ashtray...
isn't it stunning!
I'm tempted to take up smoking just so I can
use this gorgeous ashtray
It's a showpiece... a collectible... a family heirloom
and it's mine - Thank you Marlboro
They even included a kind note...
"Happy Birthday from your friends at Marlboro"
They remembered... They remembered my birthday
so what if my birthday was two week ago..
it doesn't matter - it's the thought that counts
Do I smoke? Nope
about 2 years ago, a friend (who smokes like a chimney) gave me all of his miles
>Marlboro use to have "miles" on the side of every pack
you could save them and use them to get free stuff from their catalog<
so I sent them in
and got a nifty weather radio - like this...

I will cherish my horseshoe personal ashtray
for the rest of my life..
or I will throw it in the trash
I haven't decided..
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
it's all about Festivus
Celebrated: December 23rd
Meal: Whatever you Want (the Costanzas have Spaghetti)
Main elements of Festivus
• The Festivus Pole
• Festivus Dinner
• The Airing of Grievances
• The Feats of Strength
it's all right here
Festivus Poles Available Here
cool shirt here
Meal: Whatever you Want (the Costanzas have Spaghetti)
Main elements of Festivus
• The Festivus Pole
• Festivus Dinner
• The Airing of Grievances
• The Feats of Strength
it's all right here


The 100 top TV catchphrases? D'oh!
go here
Tell me which one is your fave? - "Don't make me angry ..."
Tuesday Work Sucks Haiku
Monday, November 27, 2006
Stop-Motion Animation
Who is Rankin Bass you ask?
The company that produced the stop-motion animated
Christmas specials such as...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in 1964
I would wait all year to watch
these christmas specials

as much as they want!!
When I was a kid I always wished I could live in that
Christmas town.. with the talking reindeer and the happy
tree decorating squirrels & birds
admit it... It looked like an ideal place to live

Island of Misfit Toys - I wasn't Picky
Although that misfit girl doll & charlie in the box
- might have gotten on my nerves after a while.
And I would have had to put a stop to all that annoying singing
Anyway.. it never worked out, I didn't get to move there
I heard there was a huge waiting list... and
You gotta know somebody on the inside to get a spot
Pffffft... whatever

original stop-motion puppets of Santa and Rudolph
used in the 1964 Rankin/Bass holiday special
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
>>There are very few left in existence The materials used were flexible
and sprayed down with a type of flock to avoid reflection for filming purposes.
The Spray had some acidity to it and eventually would cause the figure(s)
to deteriorate over time. Some do still exist in private collections<<
How cool would it be to own this??
How friggin cool???
I want it.. I want it.. I want it..
**If there are any millionaires out there who would like to buy
these for me.. I would really, really appreciate it - thanks!**
famous people rants

Most Damaging
Celebrity Rants...
are here
You're glib. You don't even
know what Ritalin is..Pfffft
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I never got it
Everybody has something that they wanted for
Christmas when they were a kid
and never got..
Well.. unless you were a spoiled little bastard and got everything you wanted
Here's my toy that never was...
The infamous Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine
Circa 1983
I wanted it bad. But did I get it? - No
"You drop an ice cube in and get a snow cone out
yum yum fun is what its all about."
But I guess I'll never know if the
"yum yum fun" is really what it was all about...
What did YOU want for Christmas
but never got?
Christmas when they were a kid
and never got..
Well.. unless you were a spoiled little bastard and got everything you wanted
Here's my toy that never was...
The infamous Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine
Circa 1983
I wanted it bad. But did I get it? - No

yum yum fun is what its all about."
But I guess I'll never know if the
"yum yum fun" is really what it was all about...
What did YOU want for Christmas
but never got?
Saturday, November 25, 2006
A note to Ferris
Friday, November 24, 2006
it's Friday

sent me this
I Am An Actor
Part 1
watch it here
I see Funny Series Potential... - What do you think?

I went to Social Security today
to change my name - because they wouldn't
renew my drivers license...
I brought with me the following documents:
• My Drivers License with my married name
• My Birth Certificate
• A copy of my Marriage Certificate
• A copy of my Paycheck
• A Car Registration with both my maiden name
& married name on it
The woman looks at me and says
"I can't use your marriage certificate because it's a copy"
(Of course, I lost my original)
"I can't use your birth certificate - because it was issued to
you when you were born and that doesn't count"
**WHAT?? What the fuck does that even mean?!?!?!?
"And we DO NOT accept car registrations either..."
THEN she says
"we need to see a recent document with your maiden name"
she then says - "well do you have any old medical records
or something like a 5th grade report card??"
yes mam...
GONE MAD??????
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I just got back from the DMV
I went to one that is inside of a mall..
well if you can call it a mall, most of the stores went out of business
so It's like a big empty building with 3 or 4 stores
so we walk in and get a number.. our number is 170
they are currently on number 138... **SIGH**
So we wait...
and wait...
In walks this old man & his wife
and he's pushing a Walmart Shopping Cart
the cart was empty except for his cane
he's wearing a nasty looking baseball hat with a "Dickies" logo
A shiny purple jacket with a gold collar
and his name written on the front "Frankie"
His wife is walking in-front of him and she's talking REALLY LOUD
and she tells him they are on number 152
he replies.. WHAT?
THEY ARE ON NUMBER 152 ...1.....5......2
he replies.. WHAT?
people sitting in the waiting area yell to him: 152
he replies.. WHAT?
the wife points to the big lit up sign that reads 152
he mumbles something an proceeds to walk right up to the counter
with his shopping cart
and get this.. THEY WAITED ON HIM
oh.. don't mind all of us other assholes
waiting for our numbers to be called.. go right ahead sir
What the fuck!!!!!!!
So after my 45 minutes wait they finally they call 170
woo hoooooooo
I go up to the counter and here is the
conversation that followed:
Me: "Hi, I'm just renewing .. my correct address is written on the
back because I moved"
DMV woman: "I'll need proof of that"
Me: Here's my registration
DMV woman: "that's fine" *typing* type.. type type type*
Mrs. "Slack" did we get married and not change our name with social security??
We need to change our name"
Me: *Confused / Baffled Look*
"umm uh.. what? that's my name.. on the license"
DMV woman: "Your name on your license doesn't match the name
on social security. Do you have you card with you?"
Me: "I haven't seen my social security card since 1989"
DMV woman: "well then your social security card must still have your
maiden name on it"
Me: "But my license already has my married name on it"
DMV woman: "It has to match.. I can't give you your license
You have to go to social security fill out forms then wait 24 hours
before returning to the DMV"
Me: Horrified / Confused look on my face-"... I what?"
DMV woman: "You have to go to social security fill out forms then wait
24 hours before returning to the DMV"
Me: "I want to kill myself"
DMV woman: *Just stares at me for a second*
then says "Well...Here.. I'll give you a 'front of the line pass'
(the I want to kill myself line must have hit a nerve)
and proceeds to scribble on tiny white piece of paper"
"good for any day after 2:00"
It doesn't even look legitimate.. It looks like I wrote it
for Christ's sake! This isn't a pass... It better work!!!
DMV woman: smiles.. "have a good night"
Me: "OKay.. thanks .. you too"
I'll have a great fucking night after waiting 45 minutes for nothing!
Now I have an expired license and a headache! THANKS!!!
Does anyone know where the social security office is?
because I sure the hell don't..
Oh.. and I'm sure it's only open while I'm at WORK
And I'm sure I'll have to PAY to change my name!
Perhaps if I brought a shopping cart things
would have been different...
Tuesday Work Sucks Haiku
Monday, November 20, 2006
what year
Apparently I belong in the Year
1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart.
Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.
What Year Do You Belong In?
1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart.
Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.
What Year Do You Belong In?
Tenant Time
It's Tenant Time - This Weeks Tenant is
We'll be traveling to Maryland this time kids
I drove through Maryland once
We were coming home from Kentucky (14 hr drive straight thru)
but we stopped for Pizza in Maryland..
I was only in Maryland for about 30 minutes
So I can't tell you too much about this state other than describing the pizza hut
As always - refreshments will be served
Immediately following your visit
In honor of Maryland there will be Crab Cakes prepared & served
by Cal Ripken Jr.
The usual Cookies... and since the state drink is "Milk"
Several Varieties will be made available, Chocolate,
Coffee, Strawberry & Chocolate Soy
**Clamato Juice available upon request
Okay, let's all go visit
See where it says
This Weeks Tenant - Top Right
Click That - Click it!! Click it!!
We'll be traveling to Maryland this time kids
I drove through Maryland once
We were coming home from Kentucky (14 hr drive straight thru)
but we stopped for Pizza in Maryland..
I was only in Maryland for about 30 minutes
So I can't tell you too much about this state other than describing the pizza hut
As always - refreshments will be served
Immediately following your visit
In honor of Maryland there will be Crab Cakes prepared & served
by Cal Ripken Jr.
The usual Cookies... and since the state drink is "Milk"
Several Varieties will be made available, Chocolate,
Coffee, Strawberry & Chocolate Soy
**Clamato Juice available upon request
Okay, let's all go visit
See where it says
This Weeks Tenant - Top Right
Click That - Click it!! Click it!!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
it's true... Black Cats just understand me
November is Lung Cancer Awareness month.
Lynda's sister, Laurianne, died of non-smoking related
lung cancer in 2005.
Please visit :
for more information.
Please visit her blogs: - Lynda's Great Journey - Laurianne's Hope
November is Lung Cancer Awareness month.
Lynda's sister, Laurianne, died of non-smoking related
lung cancer in 2005.
Please visit :
for more information.
Please visit her blogs: - Lynda's Great Journey - Laurianne's Hope
coffee guy
This morning I was getting my coffee
and the kid waiting on me kept making that sound..
you know that snorting mustering up phlegm..
I'm about to spit sound...
yeah it was really appetizing
He looked sorta like this guy..
hair net, sideburns
only he was much more
pale and thin.. had a lot more hair
and dark circles under his eyes
And when he wasn't making the phlegm sound
he was standing there with a blank expression
and his mouth hanging open
- He's a real catch
and the kid waiting on me kept making that sound..
you know that snorting mustering up phlegm..
I'm about to spit sound...
yeah it was really appetizing

hair net, sideburns
only he was much more
pale and thin.. had a lot more hair
and dark circles under his eyes
And when he wasn't making the phlegm sound
he was standing there with a blank expression
and his mouth hanging open
- He's a real catch
the Office
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
panic defined
Realizing that seven days have gone by
and you forgot to take your birth control pills
How the Fuck did I forget to take it 7 days in a row
What am I on crack???
Where is my brain???
I mean.. I have forgotten one or two
here and there
but entire week..
and don't think for one goddamned second
it was some "subconscious" type move on my part..
No way in hell.
But thankfully.. by some great miracle
all the gods convened.. and they decided to cut me some slack
dodged yet another bullet once again!
I will never forget again... ever..ever ever
and you forgot to take your birth control pills
How the Fuck did I forget to take it 7 days in a row
What am I on crack???
Where is my brain???
I mean.. I have forgotten one or two
here and there
but entire week..
and don't think for one goddamned second
it was some "subconscious" type move on my part..
No way in hell.
But thankfully.. by some great miracle
all the gods convened.. and they decided to cut me some slack
dodged yet another bullet once again!
I will never forget again... ever..ever ever
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