Monday, November 27, 2006

famous people rants

The Top Ten
Most Damaging
Celebrity Rants...

are here

You're glib. You don't even
know what Ritalin is..Pfffft


2 fools said...

This damn fool. I can't believe it...

Yeah...he's "Sorry". Give us all a break. You don't say shit like that, then say you're sorry.

Hate like that is just IN you. That's just sad.

He's a loser.

Joe said...

"Michael Richards' career was over the second after "Seinfeld" ended. Who are we kidding? He was never going to do anything again. So Kramer, thanks for the memories. Watching you on "Seinfeld" will never be the same."

--Sad, but true for me at least. I think in time (a very short attention society deprived time)this will pass for all Senfeldians.

Sit-com superstardom is a curse! When you're on TV, it's great, but afterwards? It is Bob Denver syndrome.

At least the Seinfeld cast got paid serious bank...and continue to make it in syndication. Poor Bob and all those other greats got jack! That's a crime!

Lynda said...

That was quite entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Well if Angela doesn't like you, you KNOW your career is shot to hell. I mean, she generally likes EVERYbody. She's always pointing out the good in people. So it seems if you're on her "list" you must have done something PRETTY bad, I'm afraid. sORRY "Kramer". Well, not really.

lilfeathers2000 said...

Its Click N Comment
Have a Blessed Day

Lonnie said...

Great blog...Found you via BE all the way here in China...Where there is no racism because no one is allowed by law to be different...

2 fools said...

LOL - I DO, it's true, try to find the good in everyone...though in this case, any good he does have is vastly overshadowed by his shittiness.

Yes, shittiness is a word. HAHAA

Thanks, DICK! :)