Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I heard Indian Baby Tossing
is making it's debut at the
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

clicky here


Have you visited my other blog lately?

it's worth the trip
just sayin'


Mr. trukindog tagged me
6 unspectacular quirks

1. Almost every pen I come in contact with -
I brake off or bend the thingy on the cap
I don't even know I'm doing it... it just happens

2. I fall or trip over things a lot..
I fell twice in my yard over the weekend.

3. I can't stand silence.. I need a radio or a tv on at all times
and when I sleep.. I need the sound of the overhead fan
or my sharper image sound machine - on thunderstorm

4. Just being in a Doctors office or Hospital, gives me such anxiety...
that If I was shot.. I would rather bleed to death than go to a doctor for help.

5. I wipe my phone down at work- with alcohol ... a couple times everyday
in case anyone skanky touched it..

6. I hate "Slippers" I hate the word.. I hate the look.. I hate the concept
I won't allow them in my home... my husband got a pair for xmas one year
and I threw them out.

Just look at them.. *cringe*

* my sincerest apology to all you "slipper wearers"

TAG 6 PEOPLE - okay.. I tag
- Alex
- Sushi Boy
- Chris
- Dick
- Mr. Miller
- Hapabukbuk

Tuesday WORK SUCKS Haiku

And Now...
the Tuesday Work SUCKS Haiku

Ten years of my life
Working at the same old job
I lack charisma

Thank You
If you have an I Hate Work Haiku Please Post as a Comment.

- the first line five syllables
- the second line seven syllables
- the third line five syllables

Grand Theft Auto 4

There will be lots of shooting and killing
at my house very soon...

Grand Theft Auto 4
goes on sale worldwide today with expectations
that it will break sales records...
full story

Monday, April 28, 2008

This Slack Ad
Brought to you by the Great Pantaloon

Friday, April 25, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

gorgeous animal

Travis makes the big time
go here

*thanks Teri

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I love it

Chocolate Chex

Have I told you
about my love for this cereal?

Straight out of the box..
no milk required
just eat it

Buy some.

random find

Oh look.. it's
"Effective Strength"
as opposed to the
"Non-Effective Strength"

This shit could
Gag a maggot...

I'd rather keep coughing

he's old

Col. Steve Austin
is 69 today

Ba na na na na na

Monday, April 21, 2008

it's true

My grandmother
(my father's mother)
Bought me a present.. once

You know what it was?

wait for it...

wait for it...

A Sugar Daddy...

Most grandparents
shower their grand kids
with gifts
and make them cookies
and send money in cards and all that shit...

Nope not mine!!!!

All I ever got was one Sugar Daddy
one fucking Sugar Daddy

thanks grandma!


You may be thinking... awwww
maybe she was poor..?!
She always had ample cash for cigarettes, poker & peach schnapps
so there goes that theory


Friday, April 18, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

random find

Mrs. Garrett
is looking rough these days...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

never had one

I never had an
Easy-Bake Oven

I believe this is the
reason I have zero skill
in the kitchen.

Just sayin'


Leeloo: Leeloo Dallas mul-ti-pass.
Korben Dallas: Yeah.
Leeloo: Mul-ti-pass.
Korben Dallas: Yeah, multipass, she knows it's a multipass.
Leeloo Dallas. This is my wife.

Leeloo: Mul-ti-pass.
Korben Dallas: We're newlyweds. Just met. You know how it is.
We bumped into each other, sparks happen...

Leeloo: Mul-ti-pass.
Korben Dallas: Yes, she knows it's a multipass. Anyway, we're in love.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


they don't talk about
zima anymore

clip of the day

Time for the horrific Clip
of the day, kids!
this video should win some
type of an award..
outstanding choreography.. acting..

all I can say is wow

You gotta watch all 4 minutes & 48 seconds
... you must

*on a side note: does anyone else see a resemblance to the singer
and the women of that Polygamist Cult in Texas? I think she bought her
dress from one of them...

- just sayin'


I was 12 when
I went to see this movie
with my friend Angela

We laughed the hardest at the "shoe scene"
We thought it was a cinematic masterpiece

We also thought the shoes
were custom made just for the movie

little did we know that people actual wore them
- who knew~ we were twelve!

This movie is a Tim Burton classic

Good morning, Pee Wee.
Good morning, Mr. Breakfast!
Can I have some Mr. T cereal?
I pity the foo' that don't eat Mr. T cereal!

Dottie: Hello?
Pee-wee: Hi, Dottie, it's Pee-wee!
Dottie: Pee-wee? Where are you calling from?
Pee-wee: Texas!
Dottie: Huh?
Pee-wee: Honest! I'll prove it!
Pee-wee: The stars at night are big and bright...
Passersby: [singing and clapping] ... deep in the heart of Texas!

Tuesday WORK SUCKS Haiku

And Now...
the Tuesday Work SUCKS Haiku

New guy started work
My tenth grade English teacher...?!
How's that for awkward?

Thank You
If you have an I Hate Work Haiku Please Post as a Comment.

- the first line five syllables
- the second line seven syllables
- the third line five syllables

Monday, April 14, 2008

he's 40

Farmer Ted is
forty today

"Well, what I had said was I'm in the math club,
uh, the Latin, and the physics club... physics club.
- Brian Johnson


And now a letter
to all the kids in my town
begging for money
outside Walmart, the supermarket,
the drug store etc. etc.

Dear Kids,
I'm not paying for your baseball uniforms,
your cheer leading field trips, your football helmet
you're hockey pucks, your shoe laces... and so on

because I don't give a shit

Stop begging for money

let's see..
I have some spare change
should I donate it to cancer research or save a puppy?
use it to buy my morning coffee?
NOOOO I should give it to Jimmy to buy a new baseball!!!

fuck that

I just ONCE want to come out of a store and not see
you standing there begging me for money - Is that too much to ask?

Here's a brainstorm..
If you want to play sports why not have your parents
pay for your uniform???

***GASP** **SHOCK** AWE***

How bout that!?!?!
Why do we have to pay???

At least sell candy.. or do a car wash for christ's sake!
don't just stand there and BEG FOR IT

Is it okay If I stand outside the store with a a cup
begging for money to help pay my mortgage, and my water bill,
and my cable bill.. and ...and my cellphone bill ..and my credit card bill!?!

I need some help.. won't you help ME?


Jen@ casual slack

Friday, April 11, 2008

muppet look alikes

and The Celebrities
They Look Like...

go here

Thursday, April 10, 2008

finally back

Well kids,
the office is BACK
and it's about goddamn time!!!

- Pam and Jim find they have run out of excuses and are forced to go to Jan and
Michael's house for dinner. When Andy and Angela are also invited to dinner,
Dwight's jealousy gets the best of him.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


just some of my crops

a vision

I already had a vision for the
greatest cast ever assembled for
Hollywood Squares

But today I had a vision
for the 2nd greatest cast ever assembled
for Hollywood Squares

What do you think?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Just so you know...

I always hated

just sayin'

Tuesday WORK SUCKS Haiku

And Now...
the Tuesday Work SUCKS Haiku

work longer hours please
no... we won't pay you extra
because we own you

Thank You
If you have an I Hate Work Haiku Please Post as a Comment.

- the first line five syllables
- the second line seven syllables
- the third line five syllables

Monday, April 07, 2008

just sayin'

scare the shit out of me..
I'm glad they're all dead

just sayin'

I love South Park..

Various viral video stars
fighting over their
Internet money...

clicky HERE

Friday, April 04, 2008


"The website of odd, strange,
interesting, and unbelievable things spilled
on the road by trucks."

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Thursday Thirteen

You Know You're from
Rhode Island If...

1. You know how to cross 4 lanes of traffic in 5 seconds
2. You've used the expression " not fa nuthin " in conversation.
3. People at work wish you a " Happy St.Joseph's Day!
4. You can curse in Italian.
5. You feel compelled to hear at least one weather report a day.
6. You've slammed on your breaks to discourage a tailgater.
7. There are 24 Dunkin Donuts Shops within 15 minutes of your house.
8. If you stay on the same road long enough, it will eventually have 3
or more different names
9. At the ice cream shop, you call chocolate sprinkles "Jimmies"
10. You think that "party/potty" "God/guard" "law/lore"
and "hot/heart" are examples of homonyms.
11. You could own a small town in Iowa for the cost of your house.
12. You load up on milk and bread before a snowstorm.
13. You know what a "package store" is.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

random find

"Christian Rock Hard"
Episode 105 Season 7
Watch all the episodes here

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Just call me "Che"

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

Dying tragically on a mountain does in fact appeal to me...

Who are you?

*post snagged from Skylers Dad

Tuesday WORK SUCKS Haiku

And Now...
the Tuesday Work SUCKS Haiku

working for the man
most will never escape it

Thank You
If you have an I Hate Work Haiku Please Post as a Comment.

- the first line five syllables
- the second line seven syllables
- the third line five syllables