the blue carpet squareThe year was 1979
The place was kindergarten
Everyday we would gather 'round in a circle
to learn the important stuff..
like the alphabet.. numbers..the proper way to hold scissors..
whateverWe would all line up and grab a
"carpet square" to sit on
there was this one carpet square in particular..
it was
ROYAL BLUEEveryone wanted it.
So when the teacher would say LINE UP!
THERE WAS A MAD SCRAMBLE to the front of the line
to grab the
ROYAL BLUE carpet square.
Until one day.
"Elizabeth"(short red hair, freckles, rather quiet)On this day Elizabeth was fortunate enough to get first in line.
She grabbed "
royal blue" and carried it with pride.
We all sat in our circle
everything was going
as usual..
Until Elizabeth suddenly jumped up and ran over to the teacher
and whispered in her ear..
she had a distressed look on her face.
The teacher looks over at the
Blue carpet square
all the kids in class turned their heads at the same time to look..
**What's going on! What Could be wrong with the Blue carpet square?????**Teacher runs over to the
BLUE CARPET SQUAREand carries it away, all sopping wet ... dripping as she walked
A hush fell over the kindergartners
all stunned... watching the teacher carry it away...
like a fallen soldier on the battlefield.
Elizabeth pissed
all over the ROYAL BLUE CARPET SQUAREIt was a sad day.. a day that will live in infamy
It wasn't that carpet squares time to go
I still recall a shout out from the circle.."Not the Blue One"It was never seen again.
the end