My friend Angela A.K.A 2 Fools
sent me this card... and I thought I'd share...

My birthday is two days away..
the big 3-5
I'm old now - I Don't know how this happened
Feel free to send gifts to make me feel better...
the big 3-5
I'm old now - I Don't know how this happened
Feel free to send gifts to make me feel better...
That's a beauty!
This is where I would make some smart ass comment about 35 being really fucking old, but since I'm older than you I guess I'll just have to say "Happy Birthday"
YAAAAY 35 isnt old ... I'd send you a package but you'd be 36 before you get it with my lazy ass
I'm not going to say you're old, either. Your 7 years younger than me. Bitch!
Happy Birthday. Double that number, and MAYBE THEN you'll be old, youngster. ;-)
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