Thursday, November 13, 2008

random find

Hey, does anyone wanna come over tonight and
watch the Incredible Mr. Limpit?
I can stop by the video store after work...

You're right... it's probably not as good as I remember it

OKay.. but you can't deny watching this movie
when you were 8 or 9 - and diggin' it!!
You CAN'T!!


Miss Alex said...

I totally watched this and chitty chitty bang bang like a baZillion times...haha...

BioniKat said...

What about the Sound of Music - I can't tell you how many times my mom made us watch that!

Anonymous said...

I loved these movies when I was a kid. Good times!

I'll be over. Will there be popcorn?

Dr Zibbs said...

Hell ya.

alybeth72 said...

Seriously... how you do you remember all this stuff???????? I honestly live my childhood through his blog (as I am the same age as you).

Yes, it was a big Saturday treat when that movie would come on!!! THat, along with Creature Double Feature were my favorite movies.

Jen said...

I lived for
Creature Double Feature!!!


Anonymous said...

OH, I loved Creature Double Feature, as well. Ahhhhhh, Saturday's as a kid were great!

mixednut said...

I wish I were a fish.

Goggles Piasano Ritardo said...

I always thought that was where starkist came from. can we watch the world's greatest athlete and bed knobs and broomsticks too?