Thursday, November 06, 2008

this just in...

They have already started
playing Christmas Music
on the radio station I
listen to at work...

nothing but holiday music

- around the clock - until December 25th


Some Guy said...

That is a significant blow to the anti-Christmas forces. The War On Christmas rages on.

Anonymous said...

I thought they only started this after Thanksgiving?


SkylersDad said...

It is just too fricken early!!

Miss Alex said...

I hate thanksgiving but this suuuuuuuuuuuuckkkks.... takes the fun out of Christmas geeezzz... the point of Christmas is that it's only a month long and it's amazing cause it seems to fly by ...

Dr Zibbs said...

Jesus Christ no.

The Wife O Riley said...

There's your insanity plea when you go on a 3 State killing spree from hearing Berle Ives sing "Holly Jolly Christmas" for trillionth time.

And a Festivus for the rest of us!

Sushiboy said...

So does the Cha-cha-instead-of-real-lyrics-lady enjoy the holiday music? (which would probably make me like it less).

e.Craig Crawford said...

Six weeks of constant Christmas music is definitely overkill.

Jen said...

Sushiboy- BWhahaha
Cha Cha Lady
Hates xmas music
but that didnt stop her from cha cha-ing jingle bells
and feliz navidad yesterday!!!

Anonymous said...

I found the brains of Santi Claus underneith my bed....they were ina pickle jar I wonder if he's dead?

M@ said...

Saw that crap in a storefront today, too.