I was looking at a Samsung, but then I looked at the reviews on Amazon for the particular model I saw and am now up in the air. I want something with a quality lens (the Samsung had Schneider optics) and a good optical zoom. True widescreen (not stretch-o-vision) would be good too. And it has to be cheap, so I probably won't find everything I want.
Sony pissed me off years ago so I probably will avoid them. Plus I don't do the memory stick, I want something that will take an SDHC card.
I'm off to Crutchfield.com to see what they have.
Oh, and I don't need one. But I've wanted one for a long time and it would have been really nice last week so my wife could have recorded a program at my son's school that I couldn't make it too.
I'm looking at a Panasonic now, it has optical image stabilization instead of digital, 34x optical zoom, and gets generally good reviews except the software for it sucks balls. Can't recall the model number, found it at Crutchfields for around $319.
did you really need it
I was just looking at video cameras about 30 minutes ago at Wallyworld. So how do you like that one so far?
well, I have been sick all week
so I havent used it much..
only twice so far
I didn't like that it saved the files as mpeg2 - I had to pay for a quicktime update just to view it!
but I think the quality is good..
I'll film more this weekend
and give a camera review
what kind r u looking at?
deb - yes!!
I was looking at a Samsung, but then I looked at the reviews on Amazon for the particular model I saw and am now up in the air. I want something with a quality lens (the Samsung had Schneider optics) and a good optical zoom. True widescreen (not stretch-o-vision) would be good too. And it has to be cheap, so I probably won't find everything I want.
Sony pissed me off years ago so I probably will avoid them. Plus I don't do the memory stick, I want something that will take an SDHC card.
I'm off to Crutchfield.com to see what they have.
Oh, and I don't need one. But I've wanted one for a long time and it would have been really nice last week so my wife could have recorded a program at my son's school that I couldn't make it too.
this one sucks..
I just packaged it up to ship back
Maybe I'll get a canon
let me know which one you get!
Any suggestions welcome
I'm tired of looking!!
I'm looking at a Panasonic now, it has optical image stabilization instead of digital, 34x optical zoom, and gets generally good reviews except the software for it sucks balls. Can't recall the model number, found it at Crutchfields for around $319.
But.... you told me you were going to buy that Rainbow Brite collection you've been watching on ebay..... I'm confused..
... maybe I misunderstood.. maybe you said that was Angela who was gonna snag that..
.. oh, that's right. You were gonna go for that Care Bear tea party set. Sorry, it's hard not to get them all confused...
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