Friday, July 30, 2010

it's just a cat in the box

Riley A.K.A "the peanut"


Sans Pantaloons said...

Free cat with every pair of new sneakers!

teri said...

Sneakers shipped separately...

JamieDedes said...

Cat keeping the box warm! :-)

Cute kitty. Looks like ours . . . tugs the heart strings.

joe said...

I'd like to know how you keep your house so damn clean with 2 cats and a husband... I never see any dust, or anything out of place. It's almost unnatural..

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joe said...

Thanks but I don't think our sites are compatible. But thanks for asking.

Micgar said...
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Sans Pantaloons said...

Jen has a special positive atmosphere clean room, that she uses just for taking photographs.

I had one too, but I broke it.