Wednesday, September 08, 2010

a new famly member

I work with a local Animal Shelter ...
I volunteer - helping with promotions & events

I stopped in yesterday
and they had two tiny little kittens
one of them went home with me.
(I wish I could have taken both -
but my husband woulda punched me in the face)

She needs a name...

Any Suggestions?


Sans Pantaloons said...

I suggest Ocean.

Marni said...

Angel? Maggie?

So cute!

Kal said...

Who else but Pussyfoot? But she is gorgeous.

SkylersDad said...

Our cat was called Bivouac because he always climbed to the highest point he could.

Bob said...


Just Dave said...


J said...

Gina Lolobrigida or Yinfers (word verification)

J said...

Pictures of the kitties please :) - Riley and Travis and what did you name the one here?

-blessed holy socks said...

sub/dude (if he's a male - a sneeky, subliminal name). God bless you.