Tuesday, May 10, 2011

random find


SkylersDad said...

That is outstanding!

Sans Pantaloons said...

Brilliant! And such a lot of work.
Wish I'd thought of it...

teri said...

if only we had them in place...

Tommy said...

nice blog buddy!

Goggles Piasano Ritardo said...

but, who would they be after theoretically

sewa mobil said...

Nice picture, thanks.

Anonymous said...

They're all looking at my site. You can tell by the awe-struck look they've all got plastered all over their faces. Well, can't blame them.

private jets said...

At first it looks that all the super heroes are at a police station and complaining about the bad guys which they aren't able fight back, may be because they have lost their super powers or they got old fighting with them. But I think there are doing some sort of meeting and planning some vacation to have some fun.

Ed & Jeanne said...

I had the same expression when I saw the last Microsoft Office changes...

Ashraf said...

all super heroes together