Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I've been sooooo busy at work
I've been slackin' on my blog

I'll be back soon kids.

Don't abandon me.


SkylersDad said...

I'm sorry, who were you again? ;^)

Bob said...

I think there used to be a blog here. Has anyone seen it?

Some Guy said...

Not a chance.

Coffeypot said...

Did anybody just hear something? Someone typing? Freaky!

Anonymous said...

you would have to push me out of a speeding car, to get rid of me.

OH GOD, do I sound like a stalker?

Miss Alex said...

I was just thinking I must have done something wrong! I get no more work love!!! :D

Anonymous said...

What about WOOSPACE? Sniff, sniff...I just told the Smash that "I hate to see um grow up" BOO HOO WOO.....I'm cryin in my beer! Noerb

Dale said...
