Monday, February 09, 2009

when kittens go bad

Someone chewed my husbands iphone charger cord...

the cat cost us $10
the cord cost us $35

you do the math


Bob said...

fuckin cat

Just Dave said...

Gotta love the "who, me?" look on the cat's face.

Miss Alex said...

Oh my god i just laughed my ass off at that face LOL

Anonymous said...

Ya'll got a big back yard! Plenty o room for pet cemitarial needs...just sayin! Noerb....

Some Guy said...

Who could be mad at a face like that?

Unknown said...

Plug the cord in its butt. Maybe it'll work.

SkylersDad said...

Dirty damn cats...

Anonymous said...

I don't know. From the look of the pictures it looks like someone might have been coaxing the cat to chomp on the cord....and she even got pictures...

just sayin....

Lynda said...

Try selling the cat for $50.

Goggles Piasano Ritardo said...

no mo iphone

e.Craig Crawford said...

Don't hafta do the math. You know damn well .. the kitten stays.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Riley has expensive tastes...

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Chew the cat back!

Anonymous said...

But cats can get away with stuff like that and we still love them.

Moderator said...

Bad kitty!

Rootietoot said...

Keeping the cord in a drawer helps. With 4 dogs and 2 cats I can't leave anything just laying around.