Sunday, January 16, 2011

random nonsense


Sans Pantaloons said...

I'm sure this Lady will now become the most popular associate.

SkylersDad said...

I have to tell you what I witnessed in MSP airport on a business trip. A lone bag that was opened up, and full of vibrators, eggs, strapons, all sorts of sex toys was making it's trip around and around and around the claim while a bunch of people were just waiting to see if anybody had the stones to walk forward and claim it!

teri said...

LOL @ SkylersDad

I would have my camera out for that one. Hysterical.

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

Then there's he guy I know with the 'sex club thing' goin and the bag at the airport with the vibrator running and running! Just take the friggin batteries outta the thing fer GODSAKES!NOERB