Tuesday, December 23, 2008

just some xmas riley


Anonymous said...

She is so adorable I can't stand it.

How do your cat's sit still for the dress up cause mine run around the house trying to "get it off"? *sigh*

Some Guy said...

Super-cute, Jen!

Dale said...

Now that's a cat with spirit! My cat would claw my eyes out before letting me near her with any of those items.

Bob said...

Riley looks almost as cool as Travis.

Jen said...

My cats are just awesome..

but this year
I bought an outfit for Travis..
and he didn't want to wear it
He pulled it off every time
I tried to put it on him
which is unusual...

I think he's jealous of
the new baby!!

SkylersDad said...

I have never met a cat who would pose with clothes, Riley rocks!

Miss Alex said...


Daughter said...

Judging by your cat's face in the first picture, I believe he shares my feelings about that striped ensemble.

The Wife O Riley said...

What kind of drugs did you give that cat to get him to dress up? Do you have any left? Cause I could really use a little something to get me through the holidays.

Micgar said...

cute kitty! Merry Kitmas!

e.Craig Crawford said...

That is one cool cat!

D. Prince said...

Merry Christmas Jen!

Sans Pantaloons said...

Merry Christmas Jen!

Lynda said...

Is Travis the new Jerry because of his non-outfit wearing ways?