Tuesday, December 02, 2008


very cool
vintage celebrity photos
clicky here

<--- Sean Connery


Annie said...

Wicked cool... love them. I wish we could hag them all over the office.

Special K said...

yumm yumm yumm

Anonymous said...

very nice. I always loved Errol Flynn.

The Wife O Riley said...

Man, I was born in the wrong era!!! But seriously, is there anything better than a younge Sean Connery passed out drunk?

SkylersDad said...

Rita Hayworth, yum, yum!!

Miss Alex said...

That man is delicious. and he knows how to tell off Alex Trabec

Micgar said...

Wow! Those were great! I looked at each and every one of those. I really like that kind of photo. I didn't know Rita Hayworth was that much of a fox! I mean I knew she was cute but daaaaamn!

Just Dave said...

Ah, Sophia Loren. I've loved her since I was 10.