BAHAHHAHAH i think i just pooped on myself... thank god for these new MC Hammer pants ... they hide my diaper
Sweet...I know what everyone's getting for X-mas now!
You should be the new St. Nick since you are SO giving.....
Pattern? Just get an xxxl sweatshirt, sew the neckhole shut and slip your legs through the sleeves. Can't touch that.
Damn! Dave beat me to the can't touch that line!
I always wondered if the crotch of Mister Hammer's pants were so low because he "needed the room", if you know what i mean..
... on another note, i might give that "sweatshirt thing" that Dave mentioned a try.
this is just... AMAZING!
OMG HAHAHAHAHA Miss Alex, that was the funniest comment ever.
Did I studder?
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BAHAHHAHAH i think i just pooped on myself... thank god for these new MC Hammer pants ... they hide my diaper
Sweet...I know what everyone's getting for X-mas now!
You should be the new St. Nick since you are SO giving.....
Pattern? Just get an xxxl sweatshirt, sew the neckhole shut and slip your legs through the sleeves. Can't touch that.
Damn! Dave beat me to the can't touch that line!
I always wondered if the crotch of Mister Hammer's pants were so low because he "needed the room", if you know what i mean..
... on another note, i might give that "sweatshirt thing" that Dave mentioned a try.
this is just... AMAZING!
OMG HAHAHAHAHA Miss Alex, that was the funniest comment ever.
OMG HAHAHAHAHA Miss Alex, that was the funniest comment ever.
Did I studder?
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