River Phoenix would have been 36 today if it wasn't for drug-induced heart failure... that is that's a damn shame I always thougt he was the coolest when I was a kid
at least we still have Joaquin until he decides to drunk drive himself into a tree
Little funny comment on "Joaquin"... we were watching something and I said to my boyfriend...is that Joaquin Phoenix? He said (very smugly) it's "Joe-Quin". I said no it's not it's "Wah-keen" - he's like "Whateva!" LOL men...walking around in the dark, they are. SOME OF YOU, ZED...SOME OF YOU.
I miss River at times, he was a cool kid. I can't believe he would have been 36, that's the same age as my sister. I guess he always stays a kid in your mind.
Little funny comment on "Joaquin"... we were watching something and I said to my boyfriend...is that Joaquin Phoenix? He said (very smugly) it's "Joe-Quin". I said no it's not it's "Wah-keen" - he's like "Whateva!" LOL men...walking around in the dark, they are. SOME OF YOU, ZED...SOME OF YOU.
I miss River at times, he was a cool kid. I can't believe he would have been 36, that's the same age as my sister. I guess he always stays a kid in your mind.
Oh yeah, LOVE Joaquin!
Wasn't River Phoenix the 'young' Indiana Jones, in the opening sequence of Last Crusade? That is one of my favorite movie sequences of all time.
SushiBoy - Yep! that was him
I thought River was pretty good. I think he will have that James Dean type of quality. Without the festival and everything.
River was cute!
Joaquin... can't spell his name correctly... or he cannot pronounce it correctly... I don't know which.
I liked Joaquin better when he was called Leaf.
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