Thursday, April 19, 2007


I still feel like shit.
Slowly recovering from this
flu/cold/motaba virus/sars/madcow bout
But I have to send out some thanks

- I 'd like to thank Kleenex for always being
there for me - even though right now, there is a red, raw, peeling skin,
bleeding patch under my nose from blowing it so much
it looks really good..
- but it's not your fault Kleenex.. you rock

Alka Seltzer Cold Plus
- night time formula
Thank you for putting me into a sleep coma..
Even though I did drool on myself a little bit
and I did have some twisted/deranged dreams... You knocked me out
& put me out of my misery for at least 7 hours - thank you

- To the last bottle of lemonade gatorade that was in
the back of the fridge. You were refreshing, cold and re-hydrating
and I thank you for that. You will not be forgotten.

My Husband- You brought me tea, You brought me my medicine
(it's not like you had a choice) but I love you regardless

My Bed - So comfortable.. you're the greatest


Jim said...

Aww, man! Feel better... make sure you stay rested as best you can.

519Consultancy - Andrew Martin said...

I hope you get better soon Jen!

Sounds like you're all drugged up with the normal remidies!

Check ya later!


Ed & Jeanne said...

Those are some great product placements in your blog. Do you get paid much?

Lynda said...

I bet your husband was happy to have you in a 7 hour coma. Just so you feel better. Not so he could play the Xbox or anything. (If he plays the Xbox.)

Do you use the lotion Kleenex? You may want to see if Vaseline is your friend and stick some of that under your nose.

DutchBitch said...

No NyQuil?

Moderator said...

Dang. I was just about to claim victory and post an item claiming "Grant Miller Media is the new Casual Slack!"