Thursday, October 09, 2008

listen to sarah


SkylersDad said...

Isn't she wonderful?

Dr Zibbs said...

I saw this the other day. She's great.

Sushiboy said...

I cut the grankids out of the will if they tried to extort me into voting for someone.

M@ said...

I would fuck the shit out of that woman.

mixednut said...

That was awesome. Love her.

Micgar said...

Yeah I saw a small part of this clip in another Olberman clip-but now watching the whole clip-I haven't laughed that hard at a clip in a long time! She is great! I used to take a little exception to the jabs she did at minorities, but have now realized she's "equal opportunity" and actually pointed out people's stereotypes with those jabs.
I love the way she can seem like she's going to be totally serious and then launch into this obscene, hilarious thing in a calm, measured voice!

Anonymous said...

Silverman is obviously in the running for the "Who's a Bigger Imbecile Than Whoopi Goldberg Competition."