Monday, October 20, 2008


as my father used to say..
"No good, Fuckin' Red Sox"

Then he would throw the remote across the room.
Then he would rip up the TV guide and throw it across the room.
Then he would throw all the stuff that was on the coffee table across the room.

Then he would yell out random profanities.
for example: "Mother Fuckers!!!!"
Then he would mumble more random profanities.

ahhhhh memories.

thanks for nothing RED SOX!!


Anonymous said...

I really thought they would win. They seem to always come back.

Miss Alex said...

awww :( they'll totally come back

SkylersDad said...

I believe your father and mine were twins separated at birth.

Goggles Piasano Ritardo said...

whose tampa bay? are they from canada?

Anonymous said...

I am glad the Red Sox lost!

The Wife O Riley said...

You're talking to a die-hard Cubs fan, I have felt the pain for the last 100 years. (That's right, I'm 112 years old)

cube said...

I have some family members like that, but hey the BOSox won last year. Let someone else win it this year (since my Yankees are out).

Go Rays!

Anonymous said...

So what would he do if they won?

Anonymous said...

... and on another note, it took me 4 tries to post the last comment. I wish the MORONS who came up with the font-style for the word verification could have done a better job distinguising the difference between a "j" and an "i". I really really hate them.