Friday, October 03, 2008


I Love Keith Olbermann

Watch Him!
msnbc at 8pm weeknights

watch it!!!

Check out his show here


Anonymous said...

yep I love him too.

Such a great antidote to the conservative crap-fest at FOX.


Anonymous said...

really enjoy your blog, would love to do a blogroll exchange!

SkylersDad said...

Oh yeah, Kieth is a little bit of wonderful!

Roxi said...

with the hotness.

Anonymous said...

He is right on on most of the issues and doesn't hold back. Finally a liberal media guy with some balls to speak his mind unlike the Colmes of the media

Cleveland Real Estate said...

He needs to run for president... His views are dead on...

Brad said...

He's awesome!

Anonymous said...

The O Man said it.....You can't spell Paling around with terrorists
without spelling Palin.....
Breonitronically speaking