Tuesday, October 07, 2008

random find

Godzilla vs Titanic
it makes perfect sense


Anonymous said...

thanks for clearing this up.

I think Godzilla is guilty of alot of the worlds woes.

Dr Zibbs said...

I love that so much I'm gonna marry it.

SkylersDad said...

I always suspected there was more to that sinking...

The Wife O Riley said...

And here I thought it was the giant sea turtle from the 1978 ABC Movie of the Week; "Bermuda Depth".

This makes more sense.

Jen said...

The Wife O Riley - You made me
laugh out loud BWAHAHAHAHA
thank you


Roxi said...

I always wondered what really happened..

I mean.. It was the "unsinkable" ship wasent it?

I dont think anything is unsinkable when godzilla is involved.

Scarlet said...

It would've made a better film too. Some monster needs to chew on Kate Winslet's leg.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO I love it.