And Now...
the Tuesday Work SUCKS Haiku
boss is playing golf
a/c broken - we all sweat
boss man could care less
Thank You
If you have an I Hate Work Haiku Please Post as a Comment.
- the first line five syllables
- the second line seven syllables
- the third line five syllables
Two hours to job site.
Forty minutes or so there.
Three hours to get home.
Susan went to Yale
Majored in liberal arts
Mostly she partied.
She graduated
In the Spring of '99.
The future looked bright.
However she found
Her degree was worth nothing.
She's working part time
At Wendy's drive-thru
On the corner of West Main
And Kensington Street.
Her boss makes her ask:
"You want fries with that order?"
It sucks to be her.
Maybe it's not golf
I'm thinking it's the 'picture'
You know, in the car...
That's an award winning haiku, don't you think?
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