Thursday, November 16, 2006

coffee guy

This morning I was getting my coffee
and the kid waiting on me kept making that sound..
you know that snorting mustering up phlegm..
I'm about to
spit sound...
yeah it was really appetizing

He looked sorta like this guy..
hair net, sideburns
only he was much more
pale and thin.. had a lot more hair
and dark circles under his eyes

And when he wasn't making the phlegm sound
he was standing there with a blank expression
and his mouth hanging open
- He's a real catch


Teri said...

did you get his number for all of your single friends?

Jen said...

I wish Angela was still single!!

Teri said...

I'm sure Angela would LOVE this guy! tell her to kick her boyfriend to the curb, this coffee guy is way better.

Goggles Piasano Ritardo said...

He's a mouth breather. I though thats where the carmel came from in the carmel machiato. Sniff me up some next time.

Doctor Mom™ said...

Jen, you're just lucky the guy didn't spit in your coffee....

Eeew! I couldn't even stand phlegm when I was still doing direct patient care... that was the one thing that grossed me out completely.

I didn't mind sticking my hand inside someone's chest and I didn't mind packing a gaping wound or sticking things where no one should ever go.... but phlegm gives me the dry heaves.

TMI...yes, TMI... I just couldn't let it go, could I?

Lynda said...

I am sure he would make some girl very happy. Not me though. I married a guy like that. When he snorts phlegm, usually when he has a cold, I make him sleep in the garage.

Dale said...

I've never heard you talk about your hubby this way Jen...shocking!