Tuesday, November 07, 2006


saw this over at ZED's
so I did it...

1. Where do you live? RHODE ISLAND - that's part of New England kids...
A tradition of independence and dissent gave RI a prominent role in the
American Revolution...that's right!!
first of the original thirteen colonies to declare its independence from England..yep!

2. What's the most recognizable geographic or architectural
feature visible from where you're sitting?

where I'm sitting?? the wall in my living room...

3. Favorite and worst features of the area in which you live.
there's not a lot of hicks,
typical new england..scenic, rural... change of seasons that's all good.
RI has Good Italian food.

Worst: the taxes (one of the highest in the country! woo hooo)
Worst Drivers!!
oh.. and our accents - most of us are unable to pronounce
the letter "R"
example: Parking Lot = Pa-kin Laat... Beer = Beah

4. Best local restaurant you've discovered recently.
recently? none

5. Do you follow local politics? yep, pretty much Independent-
but for this election...
GO DEMOCRATS win the house! win the senate!

6. How’s the weather? it's 45º right now.. BRRrrrr
we experience all 4 seasons.. that's a good thing
BUT the winter here BLOWS

7. And the traffic? it's AWFUL .. very bad drivers..
very bad highway system

8. Best local sports team? GO PATS!!

9. If finances weren’t an issue, would you stay
in the same town?

10. During a non-rush hour period, how long would it
take you to drive from the northernmost edge to the southern
edge of your city/town? East to west?
not long!

tag - you're it.


Lynda said...

Another meme?!

Moderator said...

You're in Rhode Island? I always thought you were from Treasure Island.