Friday, November 03, 2006


I received the following email
from my friend angela this afternoon


In the subject line: My Car Smells Bad - Something spilled, what spilled?

My car smells like the following word if it were a real word:
If I wasn't so broke I would have it professionally cleaned,
but that's expensive. So for now, Jen... for now... I will open the windows
on a 30 degree morning and suffer.
It's either the cold or its sourmilkbumfeet the whole way.
Not cool.


Moderator said...

I'd get that thing detailed.

Zed said...

Angela, did you check the trunk? Maybe you left food in there that's gone bad? Or there's a dead body you've been dragging along under your car?

Teri said...

Angela, I think it's the dead body Zed mentioned. You need to check for these things before you hit the road and have to call AAA.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

How about buying one of those 99 cent tree shaped air freshners?

Bob said...

I put an Odoban freshner in my work truck. Smells like a new car now. Well, not really, but it no longer has the foul and mysterious odor to it that it had.

Lynda said...

I saw a car the other day with those little pine trees all over it. Maybe that would help the sourmilkbumfeet smell.

Anonymous said...

The thing I like most about Angela is her ability to cope under pressure.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Angela, I find that if you leave a wad of toothpaste on your mustache it masks any smells.

I hope this helps.

Aunt Nora said...


Anonymous said...

Do I smell another Pfft brand product coming?

Anonymous said...

Maybe instead of toothpaste on just her mustache, she should just smear some in her goatee as well.

Anonymous said...

.. or her leg hairs..

2 fools said...

Well, everyone. Your suggestions, while brilliant, were not the route I chose this weekend. Rather, I went fishing for the Wendy's milk and found that foul bitch tucked under the passenger seat. I threw it away and sprayed some carpet fresh as far under there as I could, then vaccumed as far as I could reach. For a while it smelled like grape crush. 24 Hours later, the smell has been downgraded to "hookizundapants"...
Nothing a little lemon juice can't cure, trust me, I know...