Thursday, March 08, 2007


Thursday Thirteen
13 random things
I Just Don't Like

ready.. set... go.

1. Celery- I don't like it. I Remember one time, in kindergarten
some kid brought celery with cream cheese in for "snack time" - I was pissed
2. Jennifer Love Hewitt - Why is she famous? I don't understand...
3. Van Halen - (mostly the David Lee Roth Years) I'm not apologizing for this

4. Dick Cheney
- Do I even have to explain this one...?

Weddings - Seriously.. I have better things to do with my weekend
than watch you do the macarena & chicken dance .. but thanks anyway
6. Telemarketers - They call my work all day long - fuck off!
7. PCs- Macintosh is far superior (in my humble opinion)
8. Fast Food -It's disgusting - go rent supersize me
9. Cranberry Juice - It gives me a sore throat, it's an unexplainable mystery
10. Seafood - I just don't like it

11. My InLaws
- Far too many reasons to list
12. Dancing with the Stars - I've never actually seen it... But I don't like it
13. Resistance Fall of Man - A PS3 Game my husband likes to play..
at maximum volume... I hate this game

as usual - I "13 Tag" you all

*this has been yet another fascinating post from casualslack


Anonymous said...

I can only think of two reasons why Jennifer Love Hewitt has a 'career'. =O

I can agree with most of your list, with the exception of celery and Van Halen (with David Lee Roth)
Mr. Hagar is the one who messed up VH.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with some of those, especially the seafood and cranberry juice. The juice hurts my throat as well, I think it's too acidic. I get the same with tomatoe soup, orange juice, etc.

as much as this is unbelievable for me to say, I think you're relatively normal.

Anonymous said...

macintosh rocks

Gaby Hess said...

Go Macs!!

Bob said...

I don't think I like you anymore.

Van Halen is the greatest band ever. Until Dave left. And don't even mention that Gary guy.

Oh, one more thing, macs suck, and Steve Jobs is an arrogant prick. Just sayin'

Some Guy said...

Yeah, JLH is just plain annoying. So annoying even her massive boobs can't overcome it. I'm right there with you on #8.

Jen said...

Nobody - You still like me...
You know you do.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, liked Van Halen. As far as #13, if you don't like your in-laws, I don't like them either. Any non-friend of Jen's is a non-friend of mine.

Anonymous said...

I do like seafood, btw. Not fish, I hate fish, but i LOVE shellfish. How strange, though, last night I dreamt I had lobster, and it was awful... the lobster, not the dream..

Anonymous said...

although if the lobster was bad in the dream, then it was a bad dream as well.

Jen said...

"Any non-friend of Jen's is a non-friend of mine. "

your a pal


Anonymous said...

I bought a Mac a few years ago and it did nothing but crash on me. I had to send it to Apple 3 times before they sent me a new one. I sold it the next day on eBay.

Moderator said...

Cranberry Juice is supposed to be good if you have a test coming up and need to be "clean."

Dale said...

I'm with you on almost all of those things! When you're ready for your next marriage, meet me at the Tim Hortons drive thru.

Jen said...

Dale -HAhahaHA
It's a deal

Bob said...

You're right Jen, I still like you. How could I not? And I'm sure that someday you will realize how awesome Van Halen is.

And I'm with Dick. Any non-friend o yours is certainly a non-friend of mine as well.

BeckEye said...

I can't stand Jennifer Love Hewitt either. She and Neve Campbell should both be destroyed.

Weddings are boring. The receptions can be fun, if you're a guest. However, I've been IN 9 freaking weddings. I could open my own bridesmaid dress shop.

DutchBitch said...

What's not to like about Dick Cheney? ;-)

Jim said...

celery and cranberry juice!
Thank you for confirming my dislike, and reasons for, those foul substances.
Sore throat juice!!!

and the blame for VH's problems rests with the two VH ego brothers. :)

and Dick Cheney is the last great true American Hero... oh god, that intended joke just made me throw up in my mouth.... need to go wash the taste out with some cranberry juice!

Ak-Man said...

PC > McDonalds
Maybe if Mac sort out their mouse i'll be a believer.

H.L. Hewitt is hot . . . VERY HOT!