Friday, July 18, 2008

nice things

these two little gems
sit on my co-worker Jo-Ann's desk
she got them as a Christmas present one year
from me and another co-worker

I take the time to shop for people
and buy them nice things
because, that's how I am...


Some Guy said...

Your generosity knows no bounds, Jen.

Teri said...


that's all I got. Just WOW

Annie said...

I'm going to the salon this weekend...

Can I borrow the one with the red hair to show my hairdresser what I want my hair to look like?

SkylersDad said...

A person usually has to go to the fle market to get quality stuff like that.

jimmycity said...

It's the chicks from The B-52s?


Micgar said...

Those two look like they have an attitude-hmmmm wonder why....?