Last night we went for a walk around the neighborhood
and I snapped this pic
You don't see this scene too often in New England
I guess our neighbors are having a Hawaiian Holiday this year..
"casa de slack"

we were feeling festive
and put up some lights the Saturday after thanksgiving
just your basic colored xmas lights...
But I'd like to get one of those alligators
like that one in the pic on the rightjust to mix things up a bit...
Did you Decorate for Xmas?
Of course I decorated for Christmas. I have my falling snowflakes on the house. They are quite cool. Cars often slow down to look at them. Other than my lights suck this year. I was being a slacker.
We decorated. I love Christmas lighting...I dred taking it all down.
By the way...what happened to Nathan the roach?
I brought Nathan back to
his homeland - Tim Hortons
The manager had
the container
in her hand
and said she had to
call "pest control"
Let us all have a
moment of silence
for Nathan
I'll have a few moments of stomping and shreiking like a stupid girl for Nathan.
We have so far put some lights up on our house.. We'll get a tree soon and all that jazz.
Certainly beats your Halloween decorations. Or is that STILL up? Just can't see it in the dark.....
I love those tropical decorations!! They are so cool! Makes me wanna decorate! Nope....wait...the moment passed. Shew! Glad I escaped. You posted that to bring me over to the dark side didnt you?? hehehe
I tried to post about Nathan but %&^%$ blogger wouldnt let me so I will post now. In SC Nathan would be so puny he would be eaten by his own kind. I cant believe you never saw a roach before.
Let me say I am glad my Tin Hortons Coffee comes in a sealed Tin!
Does the regular Christmas Tree and a nativity set count as "decorating"... I feel a tad underdecorated now after seeing those pics...
The tree to the left looks baren. You need to spruce it up a bit. GOD WOMAN.
Does the regular Christmas Tree and a nativity set count as "decorating"?
2 fools - pipe down..
teri says:
you know, Jen, I love the terms you use:
pipe down
and some of the other ones you've used for 2 fools. It makes me feel like I'm still in the innocent 70's and still a kid.
ah, the memories.
but yeah, the tree needs some sprucing up......hop to it!
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