Work Sucks Haiku
I'm sick of your face
I am going to lose my mind
Get away from me...
Thank You
If you have an I Hate Work Haiku Please Post as a Comment.
- the first line five syllables
- the second line seven syllables
- the third line five syllables
have you ever used the same haiku twice or more in a row? I figured because they had the same theme that maybe this was the case. : )
I try not to use the same
But they sound similar
because it's the same theme
of Hatred...
Funny Jen!
Today is Tuesday??
How can that possibly be?
It's Monday I hate.
A Haiku called:
Working with Women
Like Hens in a Coop
You business-suit clad demon
Quit stabbing my back
I figured Jen. Do you need a new job or do we need to "take care" of that nasty person (and I'm using the term very loosely) that's bothering you?
Can you really consider today a Tuesday? It feels more like a Monday.
Going back to work
After a three day weekend
Really sucks so much.
This is my first attempt. Hope I did ok. I am not good at stuff like that!
mel- great job!
WTG Mel!!
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