We actually had a great time
So, I don't have any good stories...
We did get woken up around 7am
and it wasn't kids this time
Just some loud obnoxious jerkoffs
who thought 7am was a great time to wake up and party!
But other than the early morning wake up
things went smoooooth
Unfortunately Scarlett Johansson called off, so I spent the weekend helping Doctor Mom prepare her BBQ.
It was fun! We are now firm friends.
Not too sure about the Clamato Juice tho'...
Oh that's where everyone was!!!
I wondered... it was echoing around here!
I was busy with house stuff and could not make it Dr. Mom, sorry.
I like the fact that you can camp out on/near the beach. Beaches are no relaxing.
Sans, are you flirting with all the ladies? You keep winking. LOL
oops, meant to say "so relaxing". I need a new set of fingers.
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