I have mentioned in the past
sleeping next to my husband is like
sleeping next to a grizzly bear
He is impossible to wake up & argues with me in his sleep...
Here is an actual conversation
that occurred around midnight:
ME: (*kick him* *elbow to the ribs*)
TIM: (*continues sleeping*)
ME: (*Push* *Kick* *Shake*)
TIM: What? Huh? What's Wrong?
ME: Roll Over - You're SNORING
TIM: no...
snoring continues....
ME: no?? ROLL OVER!!!!
TIM: stop it
ME: Roll Over... I can't TAKE IT
TIM: It's not that..
ME: It's not WHAT?? Roll OVERRRR
TIM: Shut Up
ME: YOU Shut Up You're the One Who's Snoring
TIM: No I Am... sleep... shhhhssh
he did eventually roll over and stopped snoring
for about 30 seconds
I'm tired.
maybe next time you can put something over his mouth and nose, this usually works for the long term........
try breathe right nasal strips
Poor tim ...HA!
How about a hot french fry?
yeah, try the hot french fry. If that doesn't work, shove it up his nose.
Poor Jen. Snoring is a big problem for both parties.
hot french fry - BWahaHAAHhahAHHahAA
thanks for the link sans
SNoring is a made up thing women came up with to lay a guilt trip on their husbands. Damn Women!
My husband went to the doctor and had a sleep study done to make sure he didn't have sleep apnea, a potentially deadly condition.
He didn't have the sleep apnea, but the doctor recommended a procedure to help him stop snoring.
Now 10 years later, he still snores a little bit, but nothing like he used to. If he sleeps on his side, he doesn't snore at all.
Maybe your husband can get the sleep study and uvula or some other fix.
If he doesn't want to do that, you should probably sleep in another room if possible. You have just GOTTA get some sleep!!!
WOW! I am encouraged that women will deal with this stuff. So nice to hear what marriage is really like. Dating is so unrealistic. I think there's is a sit-com here. I lay in bed thinking no woman would deal with this or that and then the Jenster talks about Teddy Tim. He sounds like a real truck drivin' kinda guy. We singles think you married folk are having sex all night long anyways.
What a shame - and it really takes ALOT for you to complain, too. It must have been terrible for you...
Every married couple has sex every night. Except my grandparents. They had separate beds. It was so Lucy and Ricky. Or Rob and Laura. Or Ward and June (although, did they even have a bedroom?? did we see it??? I don't think so). Mike and Carol shared a bed but that was cool with everyone on account of, well, you know.....
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