"Show them no mercy...
for you shall receive none!"
- Aragorn
Viggo Mortensen
is 48 Today
The Lord of the Rings - Trilogy
in my opinion... the Greatest Movies ever made..
Just sayin'
*and I am NOT one of those unicorn figurine collecting,
Magic the gathering game playing, dungeons & dragons, medieval fair visiting type person
- not that there's anything wrong with that of course...
Vigo is beautiful....
Ever play World of Warcraft?
My husband Nick collects unicorn figurines. My husband Nicky collects fairys, and my husband Eminem has the cutest My Little Pony and Smurf collection.
I'm sorry, it's Angel that collects fairys. I'm always getting "confused" that way..
Jen, I know a great place for you to add to your collection of unicorn figurines, its:
It's really good, you would just LOVE to shop there. I'll get them to send you a catalog!
No need to thank me. :)
He is totally hot.
And, I sort of am one of those Dungeons and Dragons people.
And, I just bought my first unicorn figurine from vvv.jensunicornfigurine
collectionemporium.com. I'm so stoked!!! I chose the ceramic figure with glitter on it's horn, and a young Jen sitting beside it. I hear it's worth pennies!!
Well, (and PLEASE keep this confidential), I've heard from a "reliable source" that Jen used to be into Rainbow Brite. I bet on the inside closet door of her childhood room there's a poster of a unicorn with a star shining at the tip of his "horn" with a rainbow above his/her head and butterflies and cute bunny rabbits all over the place. And a castle, I'm sure....
When did it stop being cool to play Dungeons and Dragons? ... just kidding, but I love these movies too
me likey!!!
Best disclaimer ever! Jen for Unicorn Princess!
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